
Top Ten Reasons People Like Using Smart Parcel Lockers

Top Ten Reasons People Like Using Smart Parcel Lockers

With the unprecedented growth in residential parcel delivery, fueled by online shopping, we’re starting to see the implementation of Smart Parcel Lockers. These devices automate the process of parcel deposit, storage, and dissemination while lowering shipping costs, improving parcel management in residential buildings, with an elegant process for parcel retrieval where recipients receive a code that they simply scan or enter at the locker to pick up their parcel.

It sounds good but, the key question is, do individuals really like to use Smart Parcel Lockers? Are they a panacea or another impersonal technology that people prefer not to interact with? From our work the answer is YES and here are the top 10 reasons why people enjoy using Smart Parcel Lockers:

1. No Missed Deliveries

People don’t need to be home to receive their parcel and can rest assured that if they are away, the parcel will be stored for them to retrieve at their convenience.

2. Secure

Today’s Smart Parcel Lockers are typically made from high-quality materials with a design that makes them tamper-proof. People can feel confident in knowing that their parcel, once in the locker, will be there until they pick it up.

3. No Parcel Theft

Many couriers leave parcels at your doorstep or in hallways and walk away when they aren’t able to give them directly to the recipient. As a result, many parcels get stolen by “Parcel Pirates” who spend their time stealing unsecured parcels. With a Smart Parcel Locker, the threat of theft is eliminated.

4. Available 24/7

Smart Lockers don’t take time off and are always ready to serve. The ability for an individual to get their parcel when they want is a convenience factor that users really appreciate.

5. Quick Pickups

Parcels can be retrieved from the locker with a simple scan of the pickup code – a process that takes only a few seconds.

6. Conveniently Located

Smart Lockers are typically located in the most convenient locations for the communities they serve. This may be down in the lobby of their building, around the corner at the convenience store, or at their place of work.

7. Someone Else Can Pick Up Your Parcel

For each pickup, the Smart Locker system will send out a unique, time-limited code that can be shared by the recipient, allowing someone else to pick up their parcel in cases where they cannot get to the locker in a timely manner.

8. Reminder Notifications

Most Smart Parcel Lockers automatically send text and/or email notification reminders in case the recipient has forgotten or hasn’t been able to pick up their parcel. This helps to ensure that recipients don’t miss receiving their parcels.

9. Used for Product Returns

Smart Parcel Lockers are starting to be used for the return of products that individuals have ordered online. This makes the process of returns superior to most of the current methods given the nature of how Smart Lockers operate (as described earlier).

10. They are Magical

People enjoy a little magic in their lives from time to time and Smart Lockers deliver on that. There’s something really amazing about being able to scan a code from your phone and have a slot door open automatically with your parcel securely located in the open slot. Even after repeated use, people still get a kick out of how they operate and often tell their peers about it.

Over the last few years, we’ve received over 20,000 feedback forms regarding the use of our Smart Parcel Lockers from people young and old, and from all walks of life. The approval rate has consistently been over 99% – a strong endorsement for a technology that is increasingly impacting online shoppers.

For those thinking about implementing a Smart Parcel Locker solution, one thing you don’t need to worry about is whether users will enjoy them because, in reality, they love them!

To learn more about our Smart Parcel Locker solutions please contact us at

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